What is NDIS?

Introduced in 2013 National Disability Insurance Scheme, also known as NDIS, is a program in Australia which is supporting people with diverse abilities, their families, and careers. It is Supporting more than 500,000 Australians with differently abled to get access to the Services and Support they need. It includes approximately 80,000 children ensuring they receive support to achieve the best lives.

NDIS Purpose

Funded by the Australian government and administered by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), It is Designed to provide Funding and Resources to help People. Moreover, it aims to provide support and services to individuals with diverse abilities. The main purpose of NDIS is to improve the quality of life for people with diverse abilities by providing necessary resources and support, enabling them to live independently. Therefore, it aims to offer a wide range of services to individuals with diverse abilities.


NDIS Service Provider

NDIS for disabilities and their families

By Applying for Services of NDIS, any individual with diverse abilities, including their families and careers, can be benefited. Any Individual with diverse abilities, along with their family, can choose the types of support they need when they need services and whom they want to receive the services from. From this, we can say that NDIS provides appropriate and effective services which can lead to a better outcome; flourished careers have independent life for diverse abilities people.

The NDIS provides financial support that covers the costs of disability-related services and support.

Those services are:
  • assistive technology
  • personal care support
  • specialist therapies and many more…

From the above services and support, We can reduce the financial burden of people with diverse abilities people and their Families.

We can conclude that NDIS allows differently-abled individuals to access the services they want without worrying about their financial condition, which helps to improve their quality of life and gives them greater independence.

Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology refers to the external Software or devices which are developed or designed to help diverse abilities people with specific tasks. For example:  Wheelchair, Voice recognition System, Speech recognition, Text to speech converter etc…

Personal Care Support

As the name suggests, Personal care Support refers to those kinds of services which help diverse abilities people with daily performances. These services can be provided in homes as well as hospitals. It does not include physical support only but also mental and emotional support.

Specialist Therapies

Specialist Therapies are special kinds of treatment to address specific health conditions or issues. It is done by health care professionals with specialised training and experts.

For more information you can visit official website:


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